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SafeNet Authentication Service Private Cloud Edition (SAS PCE) is an on-premises authentication solution that delivers fully-automated, highly secure authentication with flexible token options that are tailored to the unique needs of your organization, substantially reducing the total cost of operation.

SafeNet Authentication Service (SAS) is an enterprise-class authentication server designed to extend authentication services to users in a single organization or across an unlimited number of entities. These entities can be almost anything, from divisions or cost centers within a company, to subsidiaries or completely independent organizations. Its multi-tier, multi-tenant structure accommodates just about any hierarchy, reporting structure, business structure, security segregation, or other delineation.


SAS is available as:

  • STA: Thales’s cloud-based highly secure, software as-a-service authentication platform with no hardware requirements, providing 24/7 availability. By leaving security to the experts, organizations can have peace of mind knowing their systems are secure, and always available, in a trusted cloud environment. In addition, using one cloud-based platform to manage, maintain, and provision a wide-range of tokens, STA can grow with your organization’s requirements—securing an infinite number of users in a variety of token form factors.

    For more information, see Safenet Trusted Access

  • SAS – Private Cloud Edition (PCE): Providing organizations with an on-premises authentication management solution. SAS can be used to extend authentication services beyond the corporate perimeter. Users can authenticate with the same user ID and token(s) that they use for the corporate network - providing a single, consistent, and familiar login experience.

    This documentation is exclusively created for SAS PCE.